【TED-Ed 和訳】トリクルダウン経済は実際に機能するの?「Does trickle-down economics actually work?」2022/05/13








When President Ronald Reagan began his first term in 1981, the US economy was struggling. Unemployment rates were high and getting higher and the 1979, inflation had peaked at an all-time high for peacetime. In an effort to combat these issues, Reagan’s Administration introduced a number of economic policies, including tax cuts for large corporations and high income earners. The idea was that tax savings for the rich would cause extra money to trickle down to everyone else and for that reason, these policies are often referred to as trickle-down economics.


From the 80s to the late 90s, the US saw one of its longest and strongest periods of economic growth in history. Median income rose, as did rates of job creation. Since then, many politicians have invoked trickle-down theory as a justification for tax cuts. But did these policies actually work, either in the sense of stimulating economic growth or in terms of improving circumstances for Americans? Would they work in other circumstances? 


To answer these questions, the main things to consider are whether the impact of a tax cut on the government tax revenue is harmful, whether the money saved in taxes actually stimulates the economy, and whether stimulating the economy actually improves people’s lives. 


The idea behind tax cuts is if taxes are too high people will be less willing to work, which would ultimately decrease tax revenue. So at a lower tax rate, the government might actually gain more tax money that it can theoretically put towards improving life for its citizens because people will work more when they get to keep more of their earnings. Of course, there’s a limit to how much the government can cut taxes: at a zero tax rate, there is no tax revenue regardless of how much  people are working. So while cuts from a very high tax rate might be fine, cuts from a lower tax rate might be counterproductive. hampering the government’s ability to accomplish crucial things. 


Tax rates were extremely high when Reagan took office. His administration cut the highest income tax bracket from 70% to 28% and corporate tax from 48% to 34%. By comparison, as of early 2021, those rates were 37% and 21% respectively. When tax rates are lower, tax cuts for the wealthy can be harmful.


For example, in 2012 to 13 lawmakers cut the top tax rate in the state of Kansas by almost 30% and reduced some business tax rates to zero.  As a result, the government balance sheet immediately fell into negative territory and did not recover, implying that wealthy individuals and companies did not invest back into the economy. In short, the money did not trickle down. 


This appears to be a trend: in a study over multiple periods of history and across 18 countries, The London school of economics found that cutting taxes increased the wealth of the top 1% of people, but had a little effect on the economy as a whole. In order for tax cuts for the rich to truly stimulate the economy, they would have to spend the saved money, putting it back into, for example, local businesses but this isn’t what happens in practice.


No economic policy operates in isolation: each time and place is unique with multiple policies in place simultaneously so there is only ever one test case for each set of scenarios. This makes it difficult to deliver definitive rulings on whether an economic policy worked, whether something else might’ve worked better, or whether it would work in a different situation. And yet, rhetoric around trickle-down economics, both during the Reagan era and since, often promises something definitive: Its spending by society’s richest members on things other than taxes directly improves the financial circumstances of the less wealthy. And there’s not much evidence to support that. 













例えば、2012年から13年にかけて、議員たちはカンザス州の最高税率をほぼ30%引き下げ、一部の事業税率をゼロにした。 その結果、政府のバランスシートはたちまちマイナスに陥り、回復しなかった。これは、富裕層の個人や企業が経済に投資を戻さなかったことを暗示している。要するに、お金はトリクルダウンしなかったのである。





解説 (単語や表現を確認する)


1) When President Ronald Reagan began his first term in 1981, the US economy was struggling. 


・President Ronald Reagan  レーガン大統領

・term(名) : (一定の)期間

・economy(名) 経済

・strugle(動) 苦しむ

2) Unemployment rates were high and getting higher and by 1979, inflation had peaked at an all-time high for peacetime. 


・Unemployment rates(名) 失業率

・inflation(名) インフレーション (モノの値段が上がり、お金の価値が下がること)

・peak(動)  最高[最大限]になる、ピークに達する

・all-time(形)  過去最高の

・peacetime(名) 平時

3) In an effort to combat these issues, Reagan’s Administration introduced a number of economic policies, including tax cuts for large corporations and high income earners. 


・in effort to do : 〜するために(〜しようと努力して)

・combat(動) 対処する

・issue(名) 問題

・administration(名) 政権

・introduce(動) 導入する

・a number of 〜 : 多くの〜、数々の〜

・high incomes earner(名) 高所得者

4) The idea was that tax savings for the rich would cause extra money to trickle down to everyone else and for that reason, these policies are often referred to as trickle-down economics.


・tax savings(名) 節税

・the rich(名) 富裕層

・cause O to do : Oが〜する原因となる

・trickle down:したたり落ちる (ここでは人々に”行き渡る”という意味で使われています。)

・be referred to as 〜 :〜と呼ばれる 

・trickle-down economics(名詞)トリクルダウン経済(トリクルダウン経済とは。富める者が富めば、貧しい者にも自然に富がこぼれ落ち、経済全体が良くなる」とする経済理論である。)


5) From the 80s to the late 90s, the US saw one of its longest and strongest periods of economic growth in history. 


・economic growth (名) 経済成長

6) Median income rose, as did rates of job creation. 


・median(名) 中央値

・income(名) 所得

・job creation(名) 雇用の創出

7) Since then, many politicians have invoked trickle-down theory as a justification for tax cuts. 


・politician (名) 政治家

・invoke (動) 引き合いに出す

・justification (名) 正当化 

・tax cuts (名) 減税

8) But did these policies actually work, either in the sense of stimulating economic growth or in terms of improving circumstances for Americans? 


・in the sense of 〜 : 〜という意味で

・stimulate(動) 刺激する

・in terms of 〜 : 〜という点で

・improve(動) 改善する

・circumstances(名) 状況

9) Would they work in other circumstances? 



10) To answer these questions, the main things to consider are whether the impact of a tax cut on the government tax revenue is harmful, whether the money saved in taxes actually stimulates the economy, and whether stimulating the economy actually improves people’s lives. 


・whether ~ (接) ~かどうか

・tax revenue(名) 税収

・harmful(形) 有害

・stimulate(動) 刺激する

・improve(動) 改善する


11) The idea behind tax cuts is if taxes are too high, people will be less willing to work, which would ultimately decrease tax revenue. 


・be willing to do (形)  〜する気がある

・ultimately(副) 最終的に

・decrease(動) 減少する

・tax revenue(名) 税収

12) So at a lower tax rate, the government might actually gain more tax money that it can theoretically put towards improving life for its citizens because people will work more when they get to keep more of their earnings. 


・gain(動) 得る

・theoretically(副) 理論的に

・put A toward B(熟) A(金銭)をB(事)にまわす(使う)

・citizens(名) 国民

・more of ~ : より多くの〜

13) Of course, there’s a limit to how much the government can cut taxes: at a zero tax rate, there is no tax revenue regardless of how much people are working. 


・regardless of 〜: ~にかかわらず、~に関係なく

14) So while cuts from a very high tax rate might be fine, cuts from a lower tax rate might be counterproductive, hampering *the government’s ability to accomplish crucial things. 

つまり、非常に高い税率による削減は良いかもしれないが、低い税率による削減は、 政権担当能力を阻害し、逆効果になる可能性があるのだ。

・while(接) : 〜だけど

・counterproductive(形) 逆効果になる

・hamper(動) ​​妨げる、阻害する

・accomplish(動) 成し遂げる

・crucial(形) 重要な

*the government’s ability to accomplish crucial things

➡︎ 直訳すると「重要なことを達成する政府の能力」ですが、「政権担当能力」と訳しました。政権担当能力とは「政権が政策を実現するための能力」です。


15) Tax rates were extremely high when Reagan took office. 


・extremely (副) 極度に、非常に

・take office: 就任する、政権を握る

His administration cut the highest income tax bracket from 70% to 28% and corporate tax from 48% to 34%. 


・bracket (名) (収入による住民の).

・corporate tax(名)  法人税

16) By comparison, as of early 2021, those rates were 37% and 21% respectively. 


・by comparison(熟) 比較すると

・respectively(副) それぞれ

17) When tax rates are lower, tax cuts for the wealthy can be harmful.


・the wealthy(名) 富裕層

・harmful(形) 有害


18) For example, in 2012 to 13, lawmakers cut the top tax rate in the state of Kansas by almost 30% and reduced some business tax rates to zero.  


・lawmaker(名) 議員

・reduce A to B : AをBに引き下げる

・business tax(名) 事業税

19) As a result, the government balance sheet immediately fell into negative territory and did not recover, implying that wealthy individuals and companies did not invest back into the economy. 


・As a result(副) 結果として

・balance sheet(名) バランスシート (バランスシートとは収入と支出のバランスをまとめた書類)

・fall into ~(熟) 〜に陥る 

・imply(動) 暗示する

・invest(動) 投資する

In short, the money did not trickle down. 


・In short : 要するに

・trickle down:したたり落ちる (ここでは人々に”行き渡る”という意味で使われています。)


20) This appears to be a trend: 


・appear to do: 〜するようだ

21) In a study over multiple periods of history and across 18 countries, The London school of economics found that cutting taxes increased the wealth of the top 1% of people, but had  little effect on the economy as a whole. 


・study(名) 研究

・multiple(形) 複数の

・little(形) ほとんど〜ない

・have an effect on ~ : 〜に影響を及ぼす

・as a whole : 全体として

22) In order for tax cuts for the rich to truly stimulate the economy, they would have to spend the saved money, putting it back into, for example, local businesses but this isn’t what happens in practice.


・In order for A to do : Aが〜するために

・saved money: 節税したお金

・put A back into B: AをBに還元する

・in practice: 実際には


23) No economic policy operates in isolation: each time and place is unique with multiple policies in place simultaneously so there is only ever one test case for each set of scenarios. 


・operates(動) 機能する

・in isolation : 単独で

・in place : 実施される、実行される、導入される

・simultaneously(副) 同時に

・test case: テストケース (初めての試みとなるもの)

24) This makes it difficult to deliver definitive rulings on whether an economic policy worked, whether something else might’ve worked better, or whether it would work in a different situation. 


・deliver(make) a ruling on ~ : ~に裁定を下す

・definitive(形) 決定的な 

・rulings(名) 裁定

・whether ~ (接) 〜かどうか

25) And yet, rhetoric around trickle-down economics, both during the Reagan era and since, often promises something definitive: 


・rhetoric(名) レトリック  (「実質を伴わない表現上だけの言葉」のことです。この場合は、言葉の表面だけは美しいものの、中身が伴っていないというネガティブなニュアンス )

・trickle-down economics(名詞)トリクルダウン経済(トリクルダウン経済とは。富める者が富めば、貧しい者にも自然に富がこぼれ落ち、経済全体が良くなる」とする経済理論である。)

・during(前) 〜の間

・since(前) 〜以来

・definitive(形) 決定的な 

26) Its spending by society’s richest members on things other than taxes directly improves the financial circumstances of the less wealthy. And there’s not much evidence to support that. 


・spending (名) 支出

・other than 〜 : 〜以外

・improve (動) 改善する

・financial (名) 経済、財政

・circumstance (名) 状況

・the less wealthy (名) 裕福でない人々  ( less = 〜ない )
