
Reaading Practice ① 難易度(中)





Japanese Inventor

Kohei Hayami is a young man looking for energy. No, he is not tired. In fact, he is one of those bright young men who are working hard to create a future in which humanity is not so dependent on fossil fuels.
  Mr. Hayami has invented a new source of renewable energy. It is an invention that uses vibrations to produce electricity. He came up with this idea while listening to music. When we listen to music on a stereo or headphones, we are using electric current to produce sound. What if we reverse this principle? He began researching the possibility of sound vibrations generating electricity.
  After several years of trial and error, he succeeded in building a prototype. This device uses light-sensitive film to collect ambient vibrations. It then converts the vibrations into electricity.
  The device was tested at major stations in Tokyo. Although the amount of electricity generated is small, the vibrations of daily life are the energy source. Moreover, no waste is produced. This device could be used as a power source for small devices such as cell phones and computers.
  Mr. Hayami continues his quest for renewable energy. He has also launched a company called Sound Power Inc. While this technology will not replace fossil fuels, Hayamizu hopes it will be a supplement to renewable energy. If many such energy sources can be created, the day may come when we will not have to rely on fossil fuels.

 A  次の各文が本文の内容と合っていればT,合っていなければFを○で囲みなさい。

1. Kohei Hayamizu is a tired young man. T / F

2. Mr. Hayamizu thought of his invention when he was listening to music. T / F

3. The device creates large amounts of electricity. T / F

4. Soundpower Corporation is the name of Mr. Hayamizu’s company. T / F

B  本文の内容と合うように,(  )にあてはまるものを1つ選び,記号を○で囲みなさい。

1. Mr. Hayamizu wondered if sound vibrations could (  ) electricity.

a. prevent  b. produce  c. save  d. collect

2. The device was tested in a Tokyo (  ).

a. hotel  b. airport  c. train station  d. bus terminal

3. Mr. Hayamizu’s invention does not produce any (  ).

a. waste  b. fossil fuels  c. film  d. current

 C-1 再生可能エネルギーの追求とは何を意味するか。適切なものを1つ選び,記号を○で囲みなさい。

a. It means people must start renewable energy corporations for the future.

b. It means that people are looking for a way to end the use of fossil fuels.

c. It means the process of using electricity to make sound.

C-2 速水氏の発明した装置はどのように動くのか。適切なものを1つ選び,記号を○で囲みなさい。

a. It uses a stereo or headphones to create renewable energy with no waste.

b. It produces fossil fuels from the vibrations of everyday activity.

c. It uses a film to collect vibrations and then turns them into electric current.

C-3 速水氏の発明した技術の将来はどのようなものか。適切なものを1つ選び,記号を○で囲みなさい。

a. It may replace fossil fuels completely and help us reach the goal of renewable energy.

b. It may be a supplementary form of energy that powers small devices like cell phones.

c. It may help people who want to start a company like Soundpower Corporation.

D  意味が通るように,(  )内の語句を並べ替えなさい。 [2点×2]

1. Mr. Hayamizu ( new / invented / renewable / source / of / a ) energy.

Mr. Hayamizu _____________________________________________________________ energy.

2. He ( could / wondered / process / this / work / if ) in reverse.

He _____________________________________________________________ in reverse.

A 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 
B 1. b 2. c 3. a 
C 1. b 2. c 3. b 
D 1. (Mr. Hayamizu) invented a new source of renewable (energy.)
2. (He) wondered if this process could work (in reverse.)

